Lab line shaker manual
Lab line shaker manual

lab line shaker manual

I need an operator/service manual for our Lab-Line 3525 Incubator Shaker. Built-in electrical timer can be set for continuous operation or timed cycles of up to 5 minutes. Solid-state speed control provides accurate, continuous regulation of shaking speeds from 40 to 1100 rpm with a 3mm orbit. Vortexing motion thoroughly mixes every well evenly. White, non-slip rubber platform mat increases sample visibility.

lab line shaker manual

Two plate retaining springs on platform firmly hold one to four 96-well titer plates.

lab line shaker manual

The Barnstead Titer Plate Shaker is ideal for virology, immunology, serology and hematology applications. Labline 4625 Titer Shaker The Labline 4625 Titer Shaker is reliable and dependable, combining top-notch and uncompromising quality with an affordable price.

Lab line shaker manual