Upon its 1999 release, Garou: Mark of the Wolves-a surprisingly deep and visually stunning entry in the long-running Fatal Fury series-was hailed as SNK's wondrous response to Capcom's Street Fighter III. Explore our reviews to learn about the VPN services that add the least latency to your fighting game sessions. We suggest checking out our roundup of the best VPNs for gaming, a collection of PCMag-tested virtual private networks. Oh, yeah, while you're practicing combos at home, you may want to secure your PC from unsavory types who want to slide into your network for dastardly reasons.

If you really feel jumpy, drop your Steam handle in the comment section, grab a gamepad or fight stick, and catch these refined hands. In fact, this article will be updated with a new fighting game whenever we give one a rating of 3.5 stars or higher. We recognize that there are a few coverage gaps. Hopefully, that changes in the coming months.

If you want to knuckle up on the Linux-powered Steam Deck, you'll find that the pickings are a bit slim. And rest assured that all these reviews are penned by fighting game fans. You'll find links to in-depth reviews, as well as summaries for those of you who are pinched for time. This isn't a hastily crafted roundup designed to simply appease the Google gods. PCMag's favorite PC fighting games are highlighted below. Still, there's enough variety among PC fighting games to please genre fans. SNK 2 or Darkstalkers (well, at least not legally). You won't find excellent, retro gems, such as Capcom vs. That said, there are some holes in the library. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.